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It can be difficult to recognize that some of your behaviors may be harmful to your partner or your children. However, your first steps toward a healthy relationship begin with taking responsibility for your actions and learning alternative ways of behaving. The results of this could mean a positive home life and an end to the cycle of harmful/abusive behaviors within your family.

Consider This:

  • Do you frequently criticize or embarrass your partner?
  • Do you get extremely jealous when your partner talks with other people?
  • Do you constantly check up on your partner and feel the need to always be in control?
  • Is your family afraid of you when you get angry?
  • Are you always making excuses or apologizing for your angry or hurtful behavior?
  • Have you slapped, kicked or shoved your partner? Did your children witness it?
  • Do you expect to make all the parenting decisions?
  • Do you feel you are entitled to sex, regardless of your partner’s feelings?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then JCNV might be right for you. Our services are open to men, women, and adolescent males to help them learn alternatives to unhealthy behaviors. 


At first, participants meet privately with a professional counselor before joining one of the many groups held throughout the week. Hearing the perspectives of other group members in a confidential setting, with insight from experienced facilitators, participants are able to begin developing new personal insights.




What Programs Does JCNV Offer?

Designed for those have used harmful, controlling and abusive behaviors in their relationships, the Jersey Center for Non-Violence offers confidential group counseling services for people to examine their use of these behaviors within intimate relationships and to learn healthy alternatives. 

Learn More:

Lets challenge the way we talk about domestic violence when it turns fatal.
You will find answers to numerous questions in this video
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