Social Media Toolkit

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JBWS' Social Media Toolkit is designed to help you easily spread information about JBWS across all of your social media platforms. Social media is a powerful tool for combating domestic violence because it can reach people who have otherwise been isolated by an abusive partner. Since 1 in 4 women, 1 in 7 men, and 1 in 3 teenagers experience dating, domestic, or partner violence, it is highly likely that a member of your social circle is currently experiencing abuse.


With each share, you are spreading awareness about our services, educating about the warning signs of abuse, and helping others understand the dynamics of power and control. This content may be the first step for a person experiencing abuse to realize that their abusive partner’s behavior is not the fault of the person being abused, that they are not crazy, and that help is available to them.

Sharing JBWS' posts and talking about domestic violence on social media could potentially save a victim's life by letting them know that help is available to help.


Sample Posts:

Right click on the image, save it to your desktop, copy and paste the content into the social media platform of your choice! Consider using the hashtags: #JBWSPreventsDV  #Every1KnowsSome1  #EndDV

24-Hour Helpline Graphic

Sample Post #1

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn: 

4,532 calls were made to JBWS’ 24-Hour Helpline last year. These callers sought guidance for themselves, their loved ones, and their community members. However, making that call can feel intimidating. There may be concerns about whether they need to file a police report before seeking services or if they must be planning to leave their partner. To reduce barriers to assistance, JBWS produced a simulated helpline call to address callers most frequently asked questions. Watch it here:



Have you ever wondered what happens when you call JBWS' 24-Hour Helpline? This video simulates a helpline call and answers callers most frequently asked questions. Please share this video to make others feel more comfortable calling JBWS. Watch here:


Sample Post #2

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn: 

The monetary cost of domestic violence in the United States each year exceeds 9.3 billion dollars in medical and mental health services, loss of productivity, and loss of paid earnings.

It can impact every facet of your life. If you or someone you know is in an unhealthy relationship, JBWS can help. Visit for more information.



The monetary cost of domestic violence in the United States each year exceeds 9.3 billion dollars in medical and mental health services, loss of productivity, and loss of paid earnings. Learn more about domestic violence at 
Lets challenge the way we talk about domestic violence when it turns fatal.

Sample Post #3

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn: 

When a life is lost due to domestic violence, why is our first instinct to focus on the actions a victim did not take? Following these tragedies, there is typically a barrage of questions analyzing the victim. “Why didn’t they just leave?” “Why didn’t they reach out for services?” “Why didn’t they tell someone what was happening at home?” However, we never seem to ask the most important question: Why didn’t the person using abuse make another choice? Read more:



When a life is lost due to domestic violence, why is our first instinct to focus on the actions a victim did not take? We never seem to ask the most important question: Why didn’t the person using abuse make another choice? Read more: 

A cream colored background with purple text reading "Love should never make you feel smaller". A purple stick figure of a woman is wagging her finger and "No" is written on the side.

Sample Post #4

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter: 

Are you constantly feeling cut down, uneasy, diminished, or less than in your relationship? Being made to feel small is not love. Help is available:


24-Hour Helpline: 1.877.R.U.ABUSED
Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Text 973.314.4192


Sample Post #5

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram: 

You do not have to be in a long-term relationship with your partner, be physically harmed by them, or live with them to seek services from JBWS. Emotional harm, financial control, threats and more are all symptoms of unhealthy relationships, and JBWS can help.

Learn more: or 1.877.782.2873



You do not have to be in a long-term relationship with your partner, be physically harmed by them, or live with them to seek services from JBWS. Emotional harm, financial control, and more are signs of unhealthy relationships, JBWS can help: